5 Tips to Get a Holiday Glow-Up This Season

We’ve all heard of the summer glow-up, but why wait for the warm season to arrive? You still have time to transform for the holiday season, which puts you in prime position for a glowing spring and summer as well. You want to look and feel your best whether you’re unwrapping gifts with your family around the Christmas tree, bouncing between endless holiday parties, or just spending quality time with the ones you love most. 

The glow-up process is different for everyone. Your face is unique, and you should invest in the procedures that will make the most difference for you. To get you thinking about the options, we have five holiday glow-up tips that work for many of our clients. 

Tip 1: Maintain Healthy Skin During the Cold Season 

It’s common for women and men to experience dry skin in the colder months. Central heating can remove moisture from the air, creating dry indoor conditions that have an impact on your skin. If you enjoy more hot showers and baths as the weather turns cold, that can dry out your skin as well. Adding a high-quality hydrator that helps our skin retain moisture is a simple solution. 

You may also want to add products that address specific problems impacting your skin this winter. Some of our recommendations include the following: 

If you don’t have a full skincare routine or know it’s time to update your routine, investing in a quality skincare system is the first step to launching your glow-up. Caring for your skin at home on a consistent basis is essential to bring out that natural glow. 

Tip 2: PRP Treatments 

PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma and is one of the newest skin injections to hit the consumer market. It’s a fast, safe procedure that can contribute one or more of the following to your holiday glow-up: 

  • Improve skin texture 
  • Combat wrinkles and fine lines 
  • Plump cheeks, temples, and other hollow grooves
  • Smooth appearance of scars or acne 

PRP treatments are different from Botox and dermal fillers because the injections are drawn from your own blood supply. A sample of your blood is taken, and then the platelets are separated and re-injected into a select area of your body. It’s a fast procedure that can deliver visible results that last for months. 

Tip 3: Botox or Dermal Fillers

Botox and other neurotoxins like Dysport allow you to combat wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet and other signs of facial aging quickly. When injected properly, they stop your muscles from moving and creating additional lines while smoothing out lines that are already present. The procedure is fast with minimal discomfort, and you can expect visible results that last up to four months. 

If you want to plump up your lips, soften facial creases, or increase volume in select areas, dermal fillers are a great option. They can last for up to a year and are great for enhancing your natural contours and compensating for the natural loss of collagen as you age. 

Tip 4: Hydrate 

Hydration is one of the best gifts you can give your skin this holiday season. Your skin relies on dietary water intake to remain flexible and healthy. Boosting your consumption even a little can help combat the dry skin that so many people develop in the colder months. If you swap water for soda and other sugary drinks, it can help with weight loss or maintenance while increasing your energy levels as well. 

Tip 5: Watch Your Diet 

The food you eat is the fuel for your body. Fruits, vegetables, and high-quality meats like grass-fed beef contain nutrients that your skin needs to create and maintain a healthy glow. You want to enjoy some sweet treats this holiday season, but make them occasional rather than the norm. It’s what you eat on a consistent basis that makes the difference in the health of your skin and body overall. 

Book an Appointment with Us Today in Brentwood, TN

When you’re ready to get your holiday glow-up started, book an appointment at one of our SkinLUXE locations in Tennessee. Our team of passionate professionals will help you select the right treatments for the ultimate transformation.